Courtesy of r/JustMaestro, original work at Star Citizen Links Collection.
Loaner ship matrix by CIG
Overview & fleet control by fleetyards.net
Verfied fleet visualization by myfleet.space
Fleet manager & comparison by starship42.com
Manager for CCU game exports by scorg.tools
Ships performances viewer by spviewer.eu
Performace analysis sheet by Legacy Fleet
Sales, rentals, loadouts & more by tradein.space
Ship list and info by starcitizen.tools
Ship sale & rental locations by cstone.space
Ship sale & rental table by scfocus.org
Loadout configurator by erkul.games
Hangar & upgrade calculator by ccugame.app
Gear & Items
Components, gear, items, etc. by tradein.space
Components, gear & item finder by cstone.space
Personal equipment by starcitizen.tools
Armory builder by thespacecoder.space
Galaxy Maps
Interactive galaxy map by CGI
Printable galaxy maps by scfocus.org
System Locations
Navigation spreadsheet by Murphy Exploration
Places, caves & crash sites | sheet by verseguide.com
Visual maps by tradein.space
Location charts & sheets by deltaconsultingsc.com
Wreck sites by Odyssey Interstellar
Community wiki by starcitizen.tools
Planetary survey by cstone.space
Astronomical encyclopedia by starcitizen.center
Navigation point calculator by Nova-Public
Local time viewer by VerseTime
Official guide hub by CIG
Galactapedia by CIG
Jump Town & Nine Tails event by CIG
Ship-to-Ship refueling 3.17 by CIG
Mission list by tradein.space
Mission list by starcitizen.tools
CCUs, melting & insurance by testsquadron.com
Crime stat by Fandom
Crime stat clearance in 3.17 by Reddit Users
Klescher Rehabilitation map by Reddit Users
Camera controls tutorial by hasgaha.com
Xenolinguistics / alien translation by UEEXI.com
Commodities descriptions by starcitizen.tools
Trade & mining tools by tradein.space
Trade & mining tools by gallog.co
Trade & mining tools by uexcorp.space
Trade & mining tools by sc-trade.tools
Mining timer by scorg.tools
Trade routes by fleetyards.net
Trade routes by sc-trading.kamille.ovh
Refinery to Aaron Halo routes by cstone.space
Mining guide 3.12 by testsquadron.com
Refinery guide 3.12 by testsquadron.com
Mining guide 3.12 by space4games.com
Hand mining tutorial by guidetothegalaxy.com
Printable keyboard mappings by CIG Community
Joystick configurator by joystick-diagrams.com
Spectrum by CIG
Hardware requirements matrix by CIG
Server status by CIG
Community list by starcitizen.tools
More useful links by starcitizen.tools
Even more useful links by testsquadron.com
Reddit post for suggestions
Official road map by CIG
Official dev tracker by CIG
Youtube commentary finder by starchives.org
Social media tracker by developertracker.com
Dev mega index sheet by Community
Progress tracker delta reports by shinytracker.app
Server meshing overview by sc-server-meshing.info