the bedrock of our security
公海舰队(HS FLEET又称HSF)是合社安全的基石,保护其切身利益。
公海舰队包括舰队联合司令部 (FJCOM)、空天武力 (HSAF)、地面武力 (HSGF) 和特种武力 (HSSF)。
HS FLEET (HSF) is the bedrock of Confederation security, protecting its vital interests.
HSF comprises the Fleet Joint Command (FJCOM), Aerospace Forces (HSAF), Ground Forces (HSGF) and Special Forces (HSSF).
舰队联合司令部 Fleet Joint Command (FJCOM)
舰队联合司令部 (FJCOM) 全面指挥公海舰队(HSF),并在各作战指挥部(AOCOM、GOCOM 或 SOCOM)的协助下指挥各武力实现其目标。
Fleet Joint Command (FJCOM) has overall command of HS FLEET (HSF) and, with the assistance of each of the Operational Commands (AOCOM, GOCOM or SOCOM), directs each of the Forces to achieve their objectives.
空天武力 Aerospace Forces (HSAF)
- 空天作战指挥部 Aerospace Operations Command (AOCOM)
- 反主舰作战中队 Anti-capital Combat Squadron (ACCS)
- 太空优势作战中队 Space Superiority Combat Squadron (SSCS)
- 空中战术轰炸中队 Tactical Aerial Bombardment Squadron (TABS)
- 轨际轰炸袭击中队 Bombardment (Orbital) Strike Squadron (BOSS)
- 航母第一舰载联队 Carrier Aerospace Wing I (CAW-I)
- 航母第二舰载联队 Carrier Aerospace Wing II (CAW-II)
地面武力 Ground Forces (HSGF)
- 地面作战指挥部 Ground Operations Command (GOCOM)
- 行星防卫部队 Planetary Defense Corps (PDC)
- 空天突击部队 Aerospace-borne Assault Corps (AAC)
- 机械突击部队 Mechanised Assault Corps (MAC)
- 快速反应部队 Quick Reaction Corps (QRC)
特种武力 Special Forces (HSSF)
- 特种作战指挥部 Special Operations Command (SOCOM)
- 渗破救侦小队 Infiltration, Sabotage, Extraction & Reconnaissance Team (INSERT)
- 轨际空降突击小队 Orbital Drop Assault Team (ODAT)
- 轨际轰炸观察小队 Bombardment (Orbital) Observation Team (BOOT)
- 地下环境危机应对小组 Crisis Response Unit in Subterranean Environments (CRUISE)
公海星港 HS STARPORT 2952

悦动小镇 JUMPTOWN 2951

戴玛尔拉力赛 DAYMAR RALLY 2951

新兵营 BOOTCAMP 2951